Friday, 22 November 2013

Shot List

Shot List

  1. Low Angle shot facing door of cafe, MARTY walks in
  2. Long, establishing shot of cafe
  3. Copy of shot 1
  4. Pov shot from Martys perspective, tracking along moving forward
  5. Over shoulder shot, byt Marty is sitting down facing forwards
  6. Medium side angle shot, showing him sitting down
  7. Pov from Marty while he is sitting down, tracks as the waiter walks away
  8. Copy of shot 5, but he is turned around
  9.  Close up of Marty holding something in his pocket
  10.  Marty on phone, copy of 5
  11.   Marty tying shoe up, copy of 5
  12.  Copy of 9
  13.  Over the shoulder shot from waiter overlooking Marty sitting down
  14. Over the shoulder from Marty standing up
  15.  Low angle Marty turns, 
  16.  Medium shot as Marty turns, zooms in on face, focus on gun in hand
  17.  Long shot of Marty in middle of cafe
  18.  Low angle of shot of dropped gun
  19.  Close up of Marty's face
  20.  Copy of 13
  21.  Copy of 8
  22.  Copy of 9
  23.  Copy of 6

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