Friday 4 April 2014

A2 Media Studies Summary

At the start of coursework production, we had extremely high ambitions to create a film that would be equal to the short films we were researching on Youtube and the internet in general. Whilst this meant we were full of ideas for the film we were excited to make, it also presented many problems throughout the process. The process of creating the film was tedious at times, as we were presented with problems that we were unable to effect. From booking days to film, only to be told we could not could not film at the last minute, to losing our footage due to a small setting error that we failed to pick up, the filming process was not the smooth one we had pictured. A lot of this was due down to lack of communication on both sides, and with more planning perhaps this could have been presented. The film itself may have it's problems, but it was definitely a learning process all the way through for all of us involved.

Matthew Healey

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