Friday, 20 September 2013

Key Concept Analysis - Audience


Short Films have a smaller, more niche audience compared to the feature length film. A big part of the short film audience comes from collegeg/ university students who may have started on their own film and are looking for inspirations. Students make short films as a way of getting noticed by bigger companies, who might be looking for the next reakout filmmaker. 

The other part of the audience are the people who go to film festivals, such as the Encounters festival ( The people who go to these festivals are generally fans of short, independent films, critics and the bigger companies. Film festivals are a way of promoting and showcasing a film to a more 'qualified' audience, rather than posting it on the internet for everyone to see. 

The audience for shor film can be very small, but if promoted in the right way, it can reach a wider, more mainstream one. 

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